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Artikel 29-gruppen: ”Sorry is not enough”
Artikel 29-gruppen har beslutat att inrätta en arbetsgrupp som ska utarbeta långsiktiga strategier för problematiken kring nätplattformarnas insamling och hantering av personuppgifter.
– We are at the start of a new era of data protection. The protection of individuals against unlawful use of their personal data on social media platforms will be one of our key priorities, säger gruppens nytillträdda ordförande Andrea Jelinek.
– A multi-billion dollar social media platform saying it is sorry simply is not enough. While Cambridge Analytica and Facebook are on top of everyone’s mind we aim to cast our net wider and think long-term. This is why we are creating a social media working group. What we are seeing today is most likely only one instance of the much wider spread practice of harvesting personal data from social media for economic or political reasons.